Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, has just released an interesting update that is expected to bring speed and efficiency back to Ethereum. The update will target the extra data that has built up in the Ethereum blockchain over time. Much like cleaning out a closet, Ethereum’s “Purge” will get rid of all the extra, un-needed data allowing the network to run much more smoothly.
“If, by making node running more affordable we can get to a network with 100,000 nodes where each node stores a random 10% of the history, then each piece of data would get replicated 10,000 times-exactly the same replication factor as a 10,000 node node network where each node stores everything,”
Why Is Ethereum Getting a Purge?
Ethereum has become so popular that it now hosts thousands of decentralized apps, games, and tools for finance. The repercussions of that popularity have meant more data and a slower, sometimes more expensive experience for the user. The Purge will make an attempt at resolving these by erasing old, never-used data in the system. By “lightening the load,” Ethereum will be able to process more transactions without delays or high fees.
What Does It Mean for the Users?
By this upgrade, users and developers will expect a faster and cheaper Ethereum. The change will not only make transactions quicker but will help Ethereum scale up-meaning it would be able to handle even more projects and users without performance degradation. The Purge is part of a greater effort to maintain Ethereum’s competitiveness and friendliness to the end-user as demand for blockchain services continues to escalate.
The Big Picture: Ethereum’s Roadmap
The Purge represents one of the many steps in Ethereum’s long plan for improvement, generally called its “roadmap.” Past upgrades, such as the Merge, moved Ethereum onto greener pastures: a proof-of-stake system. Now, with the Purge, it is a question of efficiency and making the blockchain leaner and faster for one and all. While currently there is no date targeted for this upgrade, the community is anxiously waiting, as it’s forecasted to be one of the largest upgrades to Ethereum regarding general performance.
The Purge in simpler terms is to make Ethereum more ready for the increasing interest in blockchain technology, be it from current users or from new comers.